Well, the past week has been a blur. We lost a very good friend on Friday. Eddie Taylor will surely be missed by everyone that ever had the privilege of knowing him.
There's good news though. Reagan turned two on Saturday. She is getting so big! She talks all the time (Zak says she gets it from me- ha ha!). For her birthday she got sushi and a peanut butter cup cake with a Reese Cup baked into the center and chocolate frosting on top. She loved it, to say the least.
Zakie is coming in tomorow night and we are sooo excited! I have missed him so much! We all have. Reagan never forgets him. We get him for a whole month and we have so much that we want to do with him while he is here.
We go on vacation in less than two weeks and I cannot wait! Hopefully we will get to see some old friends and relax.