Saturday, April 16, 2011

Seven weeks to go!

I can't believe I'm almost halfway to the show! The past few weeks have gone by rather quickly! This week I was on point with weight. I have five more weeks to drop ten pounds (which is do-able if I stick to my diet and continue training correctly). I've been doing three day low carb and one high carb day, but I feel so guilty when I eat a lot of carbs! Guess that's a good mindset to have, that way I don't fall off the wagon too far! Cardio is at 50 minutes a day right now, but starting May 2 I go to cardio two-a-days. Fun fun fun!!! That should help me cut weight faster. I'm so excited about this show. I feel that my physique already looks better than it did at the last show. I think I finally found the training routine and diet that works for me!