Friday, November 6, 2015

M&M or F&F?

It has been soooo long since I last wrote! Where to start... Well of course I have to start with the fitness side of things. The offseason has always proven to be a struggle for me. I can work out from sun up to sun down, but saying no to an Oreo when there isn't a show coming up is hard (honestly those things are like crack anyway). I'm not going to lie. I struggle like everyone. I LOVE TO EAT!!!! My weight has fluctuated somewhat and it kind of sucks because I have to fight that image issue almost every competitor develops when they are used to seeing themselves at a low body fat percentage. I also get to feeling guilty because here I am trying to help others make better choices and I can't say no to Dairy Queen. I guess it only proves I am human. 

Training is going well, just not as good as I want. I started a new job, which I totally love! However, it has caused me to really work on my time management skills because I now have to juggle a full timeline, 3 kids, household chores, out of the house errands, and football season (my husband is a college football coach so the fall is completely packs for us). I also have my online training clients to take care of and I put that as a priority because I don't want them to feel that they aren't getting the personal attention I pride myself on.

Now, into something new! I guess you noticed my title. No, it isn't candy selections . I am trying to decide on a new name for my blog because I want to combine my love of fitness, clothes and make up into one blog. Muscles and Make Up or Fitness and Fashion? Help me decide! Reviews, tips, advice and more! I'll be posting on all of it! It's something I am really excited about! 

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